A Tallahassee Police Department legal adviser contacted attorneys for adult lifestyle brand Hustler Hollywood hours after the Tallahassee Democrat reported the opening of the company’s new local store.
Theresa Flury, representing the Police Department, sent an Aug. 7 letter to the company’s attorney and stated the Florida statue that prevents adult entertainment establishments from operating within 2,500 feet of a public or private school.
“Please confirm the establishment intends to comply with the statute and does not intend to engage in any prohibited conduct as specified therein,” Flury said.
The new store, which boasts an eclectic collection of top-selling pleasure products, is near Sealey Elementary and the School of Arts and Science at the Centre of Tallahassee. But neither school appears to fall within the 2,500 feet buffer.
“While there are no local zoning restrictions in commercially zoned areas for these types of businesses, state law may apply if the property is within 2,500 feet of a school,” said Karen Jumonville, who heads the city’s Growth Management Department, in an email to the Democrat.
Read Full Article – https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/money/2019/08/10/tallahassee-police-legal-adviser-seeks-assurances-hustler-comply-florida-law/1948099001/