10 Most Underrated Movies About Serial Killers (That Everyone Forgets About)

Serial killers have always been terrifying. Here are some forgotten movies about serial killers that have not been given the recognition they deserve.

Films with a serial killer premise are some of the darkest yet most alluring film genres out there for movie fans who are hooked on crime-horrors and thrillers.

The Stepfather (1987)
The Snowtown Murders (2011)
Monster (2003)
Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer (1986)
American Psycho (2000)
Funny Games (1997, 2007)
My Friend Dahmer (2018)
The Eyes Of Laura Mars (1978)
Memories Of Murder (2003)
Badlands (1973)

South Korea’s most-notorious serial killers confesses, says he’s surprised he wasn’t caught sooner

A serial killer in South Korea admitted in court Monday that he murdered 14 women and girls three decades ago, saying he was surprised he wasn’t caught earlier.

Lee Chun-jae confessed to the killings in front of Yoon, the only person ever convicted of any of the murders.

“I didn’t think the crimes would be buried forever,” 57-year-old Lee told a South Korean court.

He confessed to the murders last year to the police, but this is the first time he has publicly discussed the killings.

“I still don’t understand (why I wasn’t a suspect),” Lee said in court. “Crimes happened around me and I didn’t try hard to hide things so I thought I would get caught easily. There were hundreds of police forces. I bumped into detectives all the time but they always asked me about people around me.

“I heard that many people had been investigated and wrongfully suffered. I’d like to apologize to all those people.”

Yoon, whose full name is not being published due to a South Korean law that protects the privacy of suspects and criminals, was released in 2008 after spending 20 years in prison for the 1988 rape and murder of a 13-year-old girl.

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Federal Court Declares Genetically Engineered Salmon Unlawful

Victory: Court rules U.S. Food and Drug Administration failed to analyze the risk escaped engineered salmon pose to endangered wild salmon

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Today, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) violated core environmental laws in approving the genetically engineered (GE) salmon. The Court ruled that FDA ignored the serious environmental consequences of approving genetically engineered salmon and the full extent of plans to grow and commercialize the salmon in the U.S. and around the world, violating the National Environmental Policy Act.

The Court also ruled that FDA’s unilateral decision that genetically engineered salmon could have no possible effect on highly-endangered, wild Atlantic salmon was wrong, in violation of the Endangered Species Act. The Court ordered FDA to go back to the drawing board and FDA must now thoroughly analyze the environmental consequences of an escape of genetically engineered salmon into the wild.

Read Full Article on FDA, Federal Courts, and Salmon Trade

Italian mafia sees German justice system as ‘a joke’

The Italian mafia has hundreds of members in Germany pulling strings in the international drug trade. The latest major trial shows how lengthy legal procedures and lenient verdicts are no match for organized crime.

Fourteen defendants face an array of charges in court in the western German city of Düsseldorf, and the main ones pertain to the trafficking and sale of cocaine. Well over half a ton of cocaine: 680 kilograms (1,499 pounds) all told, being sold at prices of up to €36,000 (roughly $43,000) per kilo.

Five are suspected members of the Calabrian ‘Ndrangheta syndicate and all 14 reside in Germany’s most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Their passports reveal NRW’s ‘Ndrangheta as an international employer: Italian, German, Dutch, Turkish, Moroccan, Portuguese. Translators from Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey are on hand in court.

Read Full Mafia Germany Article

Trump legal team vows to fight on, starting with fresh lawsuit Monday in Pennsylvania

President Donald Trump’s legal team repeated its vow Sunday to bring a wave of new lawsuits contesting Joe Biden’s win of the presidency, starting with a federal suit to be filed Monday alleging that Philadelphia and Pittsburgh were awash in vote fraud.

Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, elaborated on the pending suits in an interview on Fox News in which he leveled allegations that, in several cases, the GOP had already argued without success in previous court challenges.

However, the Trump legal team did cite at least one case from Pennsylvania in which it appears the vote of a dead woman from the Pittsburgh area was received and marked as “recorded” by election officials.

In his Sunday remarks, Giuliani contended the suits could reverse the electionoutcome, at least in Pennsylvania.

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