- Take action first. If the mother of your child takes you to court, then you will have a problem. When a father takes the mother of the child to court, it shows the court that you really want to be in your child’s life and want to take action.

2. Pay child support. Even if it’s not ordered into court yet, no matter what. Give something every month and do not give cash, write a check, money order, etc.

3. Avoid arguing with the other parent. This only makes things worse and it will start giving your child mixed emotions.

4. Call the police. If at any time the other parent argues with you, just walk out and call the police. “Do not argue back”, because it can be put into a police report and it can be used against you in court.

5. Spend as much quality time with the children as possible. Take them to activities them will enjoy every time you are with them and document the activities with photos. Do they enjoy swimming, face painting and walks in the woods?

6. Great–do that and more with them and have the photos to prove it. Don’t have time to take them somewhere special? No problem–make a game of whatever you are doing with them form shopping at the local Publix to raking leaves. Make it fun for the kids and get photos of the good times to back it up.

7. Be present. Make sure you attend as many teacher conferences, doctors appointments and extracurricular activities as you can and be sure to know the names of their teachers, doctors, friends, coaches and babysitters.

8. Keep track of everything. This is very important, keep track everyday when you see/don’t see your child. It will also help you in the long run. Do not tell the other parent that you are keeping track.
- Record each and every time the other parent breaches the current custody agreement. Record every omission, such as, late pickup/returning, didn’t return child’s things, didn’t pay math tutor, no show at parent-teacher conference, etc.
- Keep a detailed record of all payments. This includes all child support payments and other financial obligations governed by current agreement. Keep it in the file with your other court documents.

9. Make your visits. Make sure that you are making your visits when it’s your day. If you cannot make it for some reason, make sure you call the other parent and tell her. Not making a scheduled visit will look bad on your part.

10. Dress professionally. Make sure you are dressed nicely with a suit, etc. Don’t dress like a slob with ripped jeans or a ripped shirt.

11. Make sure that you go to all your court dates. Missing court could result in a warrant for your arrest.
12. Be yourself but also demand your rights.